创历史! 西南财大近百年来第一篇TOP5刊物出现了!
注:Wei huang,现在在香港中文大学商学院执教,之前从香港科技大学博士毕业后去了武汉大学做助理教授。
Economics oriented
Chew SH, Miao B, Zhong SF, “Partial Ambiguity” Econometrica (forthcoming) Chew SH and J. S. Sagi, “Small Worlds: Modeling attitudes toward Sources of Uncertainty”, Journal of Economic Theory 139 (2008): 1-24
Chew SH and G. Tan, “The Market for Sweepstakes”, Review of Economic Studies 72 (2005): 1009-1029
Chew SH, L.G. Epstein and U. Segal, “Mixture Symmetry and Quadratic Utility” Econometrica 59 (1991): 139-163
Chew SH, “A Generalization of the Quasilinear Mean with Application to the Measurement of Income Inequality and Decision Theory Resolving the Allais Paradox” Econometrica 51 (1983): 1065-1092
Soo Hong Chew, Junjian Yi, Junsen Zhang, Songfa Zhong. "Risk Aversion and Son Preference: Experimental Evidence from Chinese Twin Parents" [paper], Management Science, forthcoming
Monakhov M, SF Zhong, Hsu M, Chew SH*, Lai PS, and Ebstein RP, “Delay Discounting, Genetic Sensitivity, and Leukocyte Telomere Length”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 113 no. 10 (2016), 2780 – 2785
Chark R and Chew SH, "A neuroimaging study of preference for strategic uncertainty", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2015), 209-227
Set, E, Saez I, Zhu L, Houser DE, Myung N, Zhong S, Ebstein RP, Chew SH,* and Hsu M, "Dissociable contribution of prefrontal and striatal dopaminergic genes to learning in economic games", Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (2014)
Chew SH, Ebstein RP, Zhong S, "Sex Hormone Genes and Gender Difference in Ultimatum Game: Experimental Evidence from China and Israel", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organisation (2013),28-42
Chew SH, Ebstein RP, Zhong S, "Ambiguity aversion and familiarity bias: Evidence from behavioral and gene association studies", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 44 (2012): 1-18
Zhong S, Israel S, Xue H, Sham P, Ebstein R, and Chew SH. “A Neurochemical Approach to Valuation Sensitivity over Gains and Losses” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (2009): 4181-4188
Econometrics Circle
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